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Thank you for your interest in Citrus County Rural Health Sliding Fee Program.

This program is intended to help defer some of the out-of-pocket medical and dental expenses for individuals with or without insurance. In order to qualify we require that you provide documentation of your household income. If this is your first visit to one of our clinics we will allow you to self-declare your income and provide documentation following the visit to avoid delaying care but you must provide documentation if you wish to qualify for a reduction in fees for any subsequent visits.

If you wish to apply for a sliding fee discount please follow the directions below, fill out the attached application in its entirety and provide the requested documentation. You may qualify for fee reductions retroactively prior to the date your application is received if the proper documentation is provided. The amount of your fee reduction is determined by the Federal Poverty Guidelines with a minimum fee for office visits of $20 for medical and $35 for dental.

Step 1


Please remember to include all household members and sign your application.

Step 2


Please provide one of the following documents for ALL members of your household (related and unrelated) to show household income:

  • Two most recent paystubs

  • Current Tax Return

  • Current W-2s from all employment

  • Bank Statements showing all activity for the last three months

  • Social Security or Unemployment Award Letter

  • Amounts received in public assistance (rental assistance or food stamps, etc.) or a signed Release of Information


If you do not receive income from any source please provide one of the following:

  • Letter from a government office explaining the benefits you do or do not qualify for (unemployment office or social security office, etc.).

  • Denial letter for an application of benefits (must be dated within the last 3 months).

  • Anyone claiming to have no income but lacks a documented explanation will be required to reapply and submit a completed sliding fee application each visit.

Step 3


Along with the supporting documentation, to the front desk of our Citrus County Rural Health center or you may mail it to:

Step 4


The Billing Department will process your application and send you a letter in the mail explaining whether or not you qualify based on your application.


If additional documentation is needed they will contact you by telephone or mail. Please allow up to 30 days for processing your application after it is received.

If it is determined that you do not qualify for our sliding fee program you will be responsible for any charges not covered by insurance. If it is determined that you do qualify for our sliding fee program a credit will be given if you have overpaid for your clinic visit and have no other outstanding bills or past bad debt to Citrus County Rural Health.


Notice: If you do not have any income from the past month and are going to self-attest today, you will need to fill out this application in the clinic at the time of your appointment. If you are providing income verification, please continue to fill out the form below.

Sliding Fee Application

Are you employed?

File Uploads

Source includes earnings, unemployment compensation, worker’s compensation, social security, supplemental security income, public assistance, veterans’ payments, survivor benefits, pension or retirement income, interest, dividends, rents, income from estates, trusts, educational assistance, alimony, child support, assistance from outside the household, and other miscellaneous sources. (Maximum of 10 uploads/256mb each)

Accepted file types: jpg, gif, png, pdf, Max. file size: 256 MB, Max. files: 10.


I, the undersigned, have completed this application for Sliding Fee eligibility and confirm that this information is true and correct, to the best of my knowledge. I further understand that should my economic situation change, I am solely responsible to report that upon my next visit. All information I provided within this application, including my self-attestation statement is truthful, correct and is subject to confirmation by Citrus County Rural Health, Inc. Any false statement or perceived attempt to deceive may result in a denial for sliding fee benefits and the balance associated with it would be my responsibility.

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